Cats Who Love to Drink Beer

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Posted by ADMIN

How to drink beer! This cats will show you…
Store the beer in a cool place. Beer should always be stored in a fridge. Preferable temperature 45-55°F(about 10-15 degrees warmer than most fridges). Lower temperatures may add to refreshment, but it lowers the perception of flavor and aroma—numbing the tongue. Allowing a beer to warm up a little will go a long way to releasing the flavors locked inside. Bottles should be stored upright and when removed, should not be tilted. Agitation of the bottle may stir up settled yeast in some bottle conditioned beers and produce off flavors. If a fridge is not available or space is limited, a cool dark place is next best. Do not store outside even if it is cooler as bottles may explode.

Use a cold glass. If desired Beer can be served in a chilled glass, as ice will dilute the flavor. It is preferable that the glass be stored in the same fridge as the beer, never place your drinking glasses in a freezer as this could cause ice to form when poured. The fridge should be free of any open food containers that may deposit flavors. i.e. garlic, onions, etc.

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