Amazing wirk with Toothpicks

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Posted by ADMIN

Miniature city made by toothpicks

A miniature city made out of millions of toothpicks

Stan Munro works at the Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse, New York USA. The above “toothpick city” took him 6 years to complete, using some 6 million toothpicks and 170 liters of glue.

Munro can take 6 months to create a building, while each piece of art work is built to 1:164 scale. Just marvel at some of these amazing works of great patience and skill.

Miniature city by Stan Munro

Church made by toothpicks

Buildings made by toothpicks

Some of the world’s tallests buildings

Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House

Taj  Mahal in India

Taj Mahal made by toothpicks

Taj Mahal

Artwork made by toothpicks

Al Burj Hotel in Dubai

Al Burj Hotel, Dubai

St Peter in Vatican Basilica

St Peter’s Basilica

Toothpicks artwork

Makkah City

Makkah  made by toothpicks

Makkah City

London Bridge made by toothpicks

London Bridge

London  Bridge

Ship made by toothpicks